Central Office

The Central Office provides a variety of administrative services to Department of Psychology members and visitors and has staff available to help answer any question.

Staff in the Central Office can be reached via the following methods: 

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  • Electronic letterhead (download) must be used for business-related electronic communications only.
  • Printed letterhead also must be used for business-related communication only and is available upon request in the Central Office.

Mailing & Faxing


Includes: United States Post Office (USPS) mail, internal “Campus” mail, supplies, and packages

All incoming mail will be sorted into mailboxes in the second-floor mailroom (S263). Elliott occupants are expected to routinely check their mailboxes. 

  • Packages: 
    • All packages are delivered to U Market Services and will arrive at Elliott Hall the following day.
      • If you are tracking your package, please note that it will be delivered to the building the day after it is officially delivered.
    • Packages that do not fit in mailboxes will be labeled and placed in the second-floor mailroom with the recipient's name written on them.
      • Recipients will receive email notifications when packages arrive.

Outgoing mail

  • USPS
    • Stamped: Place in the labeled box under the table in the second-floor mailroom.
    • Un-stamped domestic: Request a stamp from N218 and give it to Central Office Staff to mail on your behalf.
    • Un-stamped international: Speak to the Central Office regarding options.
  • Campus: Place in the labeled box under the table of the second-floor mailroom. Include the campus delivery code on the envelope.
  • FedEx: Shipping labels and envelopes/boxes may be picked up in the Central Office.
    • FedEx will no longer pick up packages in Elliott Hall. However, packages may be dropped off in the drop box located outside Fraser Hall.


  • Incoming: Received documents will be placed in a campus mail envelope and put in the appropriate mailbox in the second-floor mailbox.
  • Outgoing: Complete & print the Fax Cover-Sheet. Bring all documents to the Central Office Staff and they will assist with faxing. Confirmation sheets will be placed in your second-floor mailbox.


The Department of Psychology receives a diverse array of visitors regularly, including prospective students, lab participants, guest lecturers, job applicants, and more. Many of these individuals prefer to commute to the university using their personal vehicles. The university provides a range of parking options, which can be explored through the virtual campus map. Please note that certain parking options may require payment.

Parking Validation Process

If you are expecting a guest to visit the department and wish to cover their parking expenses, the Central Office offers a convenient validation process. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Advance Notification: We recommend that the host notify the Central Office ahead of time if someone is expected for validation.
  • EFS Account Information: Provide an accurate EFS account string to facilitate the parking charge.
  • Visitor's Responsibility: The visitor should either bring their parking coupon/ticket they receive upon entering the parking ramp to the Central Office (located in N218, Elliott Hall) or send pictures of both the front and back to psymain@umn.edu.
    • This step needs to be completed before the visitor exits the parking ramp.
  • Request Inclusion: If the EFS account string was not sent in advance, it must be included in the validation request.

Hang Tags

The department maintains a limited supply of hang tags, which may be checked out for specific, short-term, and specialized circumstances. These circumstances may include:

  • Unloading supplies (one-time action)
  • Installers of equipment and furniture

For further inquiries or assistance, contact the Central Office (psymain@umn.edu).

For more information about parking see the Visitor Public Parking page.

Printing & Copying

N206 Elliott Hall

  • Available Machines
    • Black & White Printer
    • Color Printer
    • Toshiba Copier
      • To print or copy on this machine a copy code is needed. See below for information on copy codes.
      • For assistance with printing to the Toshiba Copier, refer to the Printing to the Copier Guide. Also, staff in the Central Office can assist. 
    • Connecting to Printers and Copiers
  • Copy Codes: Our copy codes are created based on function.
    • Course Code: This is a copy code for course-related printing. Refer to the Paper Exams page for more information.
    • Grant Codes: These are copy codes assigned upon request via the Central Office. Grant codes are linked to a particular grant and printing costs are deducted from grant funds. 
    • Personal Codes: These codes are created for faculty based on business needs through the Central Office.

Printing Services

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

The Central Office will maintain a limited number of PPE supplies.  If small amounts of supplies are needed, contact the Central Office.

Large quantities of supplies should be ordered through U Market, which will require an account string and justification.  U Market has developed a list of recommendations on PPE.

U Market | Supplies

A limited amount of general office supplies are kept in the Central Office’s Supply Cabinet.  If the needed supplies are not available, they will need to be ordered through U-Market.

Ordering Office or Lab Supplies

U Market has created a very helpful guide to shopping in U Market (controller office). Also, this Quick Start Guide may be beneficial in assisting you through U Market.

  • Needed Information for Ordering
    • Full EFS Account String
    • Full Justification (Who, What, Where, When, Why)
      • If for a grant, make sure to include the grant number and why the order benefits the grant.
      • See Finance’s Justification Guide for more information on how to write a full justification.
    • Approval of the PI (done before ordering)
  • Carts should be assigned to Financial Operations Center FinOps (finopsumarket).

Amazon Purchases

  • All Amazon purchases must be made through UMarket or the Controller’s Office for research incentive gift cards.
  • Out-of-pocket reimbursements and P-card transactions for Amazon will be denied unless you have received an exception from the Controller’s Office.
    • Include proof of any exception with your purchase documentation.
Holley Locher
Chief of Staff
N210 EltH | 625-7852
Stephen Fiksdal
Chair's Office Assistant
S210 EltH | 625-7444
Amanda Schmit
Office & Communications Manager
N218 EltH | 625-2546
Yamir Galan
Student Assistant
N218 EltH | 625-2818
Taylor Hartmann
Student Assistant
N218 EltH | 625-2818
Kaya Reynal O'Connor
Student Assistant
N218 EltH | 625-2818
Madison Stromberg
Communications Assistant
N211 EltH
Revision create time