
This page offers a brief overview of key aspects of graduate student registration processes. See the Graduate Student Handbook for additional information and details.

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  • Students must register for at least 6 credits (or one credit of PSY 8444 if eligible) to maintain full-time status.
  • While supported by guaranteed funding (e.g. TA, RA, fellowship), students receive the following tuition benefits:
    • 6-14 credits: coursework and thesis credit years.
    • 1 credit: after coursework, prelims, and thesis credits are complete and the student has attained Advanced Doctoral Status (ADS).  This credit is typically used for PSY 8444, the one-credit, full-time-equivalency registration.
    • Any additional credits will be charged to the student.
  • How to register and registration rules.
  • Add/drop deadlines and registration times.
  • Special registration categories for graduate students (e.g. PSY 8888, PSY 8777, PSY 8444, GRAD 999). 


Submit the following forms to Hope Savaria, the Graduate Program Support & Events Specialist (GPSES) (Laura Luepke, ADGS, if Hope is out of the office for more than 2-3 business days), with your advisor’s signature provided on the form: 

Other forms:

Please allow at minimum 3-5 business days for processing and plan accordingly to ensure you meet registration deadlines.

Permission Numbers

Some courses require a permission number, which the student must enter when adding the course to their enrollment. The course may be set up to require a permission number from all students who register for it, or only from students who do not meet course prerequisites. The permission number indicates to the system that the student has the instructor's approval to register.

Permission numbers are distributed as follows: 

  • PSY 5993: Request a permission number by emailing Heidi Wolff. Either the student or the advisor may email the request, but Heidi needs written advisor approval to proceed. If it's the student emailing Heidi, they may either attach or forward an email that shows their advisor's approval, or they may copy their advisor and ask them to reply to Heidi with their approval.
  • PSY 8993: PSY 8993: Students taking PSY 8993 instead of PSY 5993 to complete research requirements (PSY 8993 is variable credit) should send their CLA Graduate Student/Faculty Contract with student and advisor signatures to Hope Savaria (GPSES) and Heidi Wolff (CGSS) to receive a permission number. For students taking PSY 8993 as Curricular Practical Training (CPT), see below.
  • For all other courses that require a permission number to register, students should request the number directly from the instructor. Either the instructor or a staff member will email the student the number (depending on the instructor's arrangement for managing their course's numbers). Information for instructors is available on the Registration Permission Numbers page.

Note: Some areas email registration instructions to students that may include permission numbers. Students in these areas should consult that information prior to enrolling or contacting instructors to request permission numbers.

Curricular Practical Training (CPT) for F-1 Students

Note: This process does not apply to required internships for CSPR and Counseling students. Required CPT can be completed using standard departmental registration guidance - GRAD 999 with reduced course load or PSY 8444 (paid by student).

For elective CPT:

  1. Inform Hope Savaria (GPSES) (or Laura Luepke (ADGS) when Hope is out of office), of your upcoming internship and intention to apply for CPT. You will receive options for your registration in PSY 8993 based on your degree progress, funding, and other factors.  
    • For summer internships, it is often necessary to register for PSY 8993 in the semester before or after your internship to avoid being charged for summer tuition. 
  2. Work with ISSS to confirm that departmental registration recommendations are acceptable and will meet the requirements for your CPT. If needed, obtain reduced credit load authorization. 
  3. Complete steps 1-3 of the ISSS CPT application process.
  4. Complete the CLA Graduate Student/Faculty Contract with internship information, timeline, and student & advisor signatures. Check the “IND” box to indicate Independent Study.
  5. Send your contract to Hope Savaria (GPSES) and Heidi Wolff (CGSS)
    • Heidi provides a section number and permission number for registration. 
    • Hope secures DGS authorization, processes the form, and informs you when and how to proceed with registration.  
  6. Proceed with registration as instructed.  
  7. Complete remaining steps of the ISSS CPT application process
Pat Frazier
Director of Graduate Studies (DGS)
N571 EltH | 625-6863
Laura Luepke
Associate Director of Graduate Studies (ADGS)
S243 EltH | 626-3483
Hope Savaria
Graduate Program Support & Event Specialist (GPSES)
S244 EltH | 625-0377
Heidi Wolff
Curriculum and Graduate Services Specialist (CGSS)
S258 EltH | 624-5002
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