Electronic Exams


Advantages of using Electronic Exams:

  • Easy grading in Canvas (multiple choice questions are automatically graded, essay questions can be graded with Canvas Speedgrader, no submissions to instructor’s email)
  • Grades appear automatically in the Canvas Gradebook
  • Easy to give feedback to students
  • Quiz Analysis provide insights for instructors
  • Quizbanks and shuffling questions provide exam security
  • Integrated timer
  • Academic integrity tools are available  (online proctoring with Proctorio and Lockdown Browser, plagiarism check with TurnitIn)

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Electronic Exam in the Classroom

Exams can be taken in the classroom on students’ devices (laptops, Chromebooks). Checkout laptops can be provided on request.


Electronic Exams in Computer Lab - S121 Elliott Hall

S121 Elliott Hall is the Department of Psychology’s Computerized Assessment Center (PCAC) with 31 computer workstations. The room can be reserved by completing the S121 Reservation Form.

Be aware that S124 (connected to S121) has 15 workstations and can be booked separately. 

Academic Integrity Tools


Honorlock at the UMN. 

Canvas: Enable Honorlock


Proctorio is a flexible e-proctoring tool that can address the needs of faculty who have a pedagogical or accreditation need to administer secure online exams. It is a fully automated and scalable remote proctoring system that leverages machine learning and tracking facial movements to monitor students during online exams.


Respondus LockDown Browser

Respondus LockDown Browser is a custom browser that locks down your computer when taking a quiz. Canvas course site instructors manage Respondus LockDown settings from the LockDown Browser Dashboard in Course Navigation.


The Turnitin plugin and learning tool in Canvas supports tools for plagiarism prevention (Originality Checking), online grading and feedback to students (GradeMark), and peer review (PeerMark).

Moderate Online Exams & Setting Time limits

Due dates and access dates, additional time, and additional attempts for online exams can be granted on an individual basis:  Canvas: Moderate a Student's Quiz.

Overview of how Canvas Quiz time limit, until date, and due date work. 

Printing a Canvas Exam

Canvas Exam Types: Classic Quizzes vs New Quizzes

Eventually, Canvas will retire Classic Quizzes.  A transfer of Classic Quizzes including quiz banks to New Quizzes will be available when the time comes.

Creating Canvas Quiz by Importing Questions from CSV

Christina Wiencke
Associate Director of Curriculum & Instruction
S257 EltH | 626-1732
Heidi Wolff
Curriculum and Graduate Services Specialist
S258 EltH | 624-5002
Silke Moeller
Academic Technologist
N211 EltH | 625-0644
Revision create time