Counseling Psychology

Counseling Student Handbook
Student guide to the graduate program in Counseling Psychology.

Internship Application Handbook
Student guide to the Internship application process.

Psychology Resource Guide
A guide to academic, cultural, and University services.

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Annual Progress

Student Progress Report in Counseling Psychology 
Used by Counseling Graduate Students to record yearly progress in the program.

Counseling Student Portfolio Checklist
Used to help Counseling Graduate Students determine the documentation that should be submitted to their student portfolio. The Portfolio is a record of academic/professional competency.

Counseling Psychology Degree Progress Checklist
Used by Counseling Graduate Students to make timely progress on completion of program, department, and university requirements.


Curriculum Requirements

APA Discipline-Specific Knowledge (DSK) Coursework (update coming soon)
Used by Counseling Graduate Students to identify coursework that meets APA Discipline-Specific Knowledge (DSK) for the Counseling Psychology Program.


Student Counseling Services (SCS)
Practicum opportunity for second-year Counseling Graduate Students. Eligibility and application process are available online. The deadline is early February.

Advanced Practicum Evaluation
Used by Advanced Practicum Supervisors to evaluate student progress at the end of each semester of site placement.

Student Evaluation of Advanced Practicum Site
Used by Counseling Graduate Students to evaluate their experience at an Advanced Practicum Site. Student evaluations must be completed at the end of the academic year (Spring Semester).

The Counseling Psychology Program requires all students participating in practicum and advanced practicum to use Time2Track to record and track their practicum/advanced practicum hours. Funding is available to counseling psychology graduate students to cover the cost of a four-year student/individual subscription plan. Please contact the Counseling Program Specialist for details.


Travel Award in Counseling Psychology

The Travel Award in Counseling Psychology is funded by several sources available in the program, including the Steven Snyder Travel Award and the Lofquist-Dawis Award. Counseling Graduate Students will need to apply for a Travel Award in Counseling Psychology by completing the Travel Award in Counseling Psychology Application form. Funding from the award will not cover all costs associated with travel, so please plan accordingly.

Eligibility. Graduate Students in the Counseling Psychology who are in good academic standing and are registered for a minimum of 1 credit are eligible to apply for the Travel Award in Counseling Psychology. Counseling graduate students also must be attending a scientific/professional conference to be considered for the travel award.

Terms. Counseling Graduate Students are guaranteed $800 to attend a scientific/professional conference during each fiscal year (July 1 - June 30). Students do not need to present to be eligible for their first award during the fiscal year. Students can apply for another $800 to attend a second conference; however, students must be first-author of a paper accepted for presentation to be eligible for a second award. Also, a second award is not guaranteed and will depend on available funding as well as equity across all counseling students. These funds are not to be used for personal expenses and doing so will jeopardize future eligibility for receiving awards from the Counseling Program.

Awarding Policy. Travel Awards will be paid to the student’s account through the Office of Student Finance: Scholarship. Please be aware that financial aid may be adjusted in response to your receipt of this award and the award may be subject to taxable income.

The Counseling Program has established a new policy on applying for and distribution of our travel award to meet University and CLA requirements. Starting Summer 2024, the University is discontinuing GRAD 4999, which was a zero credit/zero fee summer registration option for our students who needed to register during the summer to be eligible for awards/fellowships. This policy change and additional recommendations have required us to adopt this new policy. The Department of Psychology is working on language surrounding summer awards/fellowships. Once they are available, the Counseling Program will review and edit our policy to align with the department’s.

Deadlines. We will have three hard deadlines for applying for travel funding: September 15th (for conferences occurring in the fall), January 15th (for conferences occurring in the spring), and April 1st (for conferences occurring in the summer). Students who have submitted their application by 5 pm CST on the dates listed above will receive notification of award within a week of the deadline. If you miss the deadline, we, unfortunately, will not be able to consider your application.

Awards made during April will be paid out during the end of Spring Semester with the expectation that these funds will be used to attend conferences/professional meetings during the summer.

Award Use/Expectations. We recommend talking with your adviser to determine which conference(s) would be most beneficial to your professional development and how to make the most of your experience at a conference, including how you can most effectively share what you learned at the conference with the Counseling program. Once again, the Travel Award is an opportunity to grow as a professional and using the award primarily to vacation at the conference destination while attending very little of the conference violates the spirit of the award.

Counseling Psychology Research Fellowship

The Counseling Psychology Research Award is funded by several sources available in the program (e.g., Hansen Dissertation Fellowship, Holland Research Fellowship). Counseling Graduate Students in the Department of Psychology can apply for a Research Award to help with costs associated with conducting research. Funds can only be used for expenses directly related to the research project. For example, software necessary for the analysis is eligible, but a new laptop computer is not.

Eligibility. Graduate Students in the Counseling Psychology who are in good academic standing and are registered for a minimum of 1 credit are eligible to apply for the Counseling Psychology Research Award. Priority will be given to students who have a dissertation proposal approved by their committee, but all counseling students are eligible to apply for a research award.

Terms. Counseling students are guaranteed a maximum of $1,000 for a research application that has been approved by their advisor (see link above). Counseling students can apply for additional funding once they have spent their first award (receipts will be required). Additional funding is not guaranteed but will be considered depending on justification, availability of funds, and equity issues.

Awarding Policy. Research Awards will be paid to the student’s account through the Office of Student Finance: Scholarship. Please be aware that financial aid may be adjusted in response to your receipt of this award and the award may be subject to taxable income.

The Counseling Program has established a new policy on applying for and distribution of our research award to meet University and CLA requirements. Starting Summer 2024, the University is discontinuing GRAD 4999, which was a zero credit/zero fee summer registration option for our students who needed to register during the summer to be eligible for awards/fellowships. This policy change and additional recommendations have required us to adopt this new policy. The Department of Psychology is working on language surrounding summer awards/fellowships. Once they are available, the Counseling Program will review and edit our policy to align with the department’s.

Deadlines. We will have one hard deadline for applying for research funding. The deadline will be September 15th by 5:00 pm CST. Applications will not be reviewed before September 15th; however, you can submit your application anytime before the deadline. Students who have submitted their application by 5 pm CST on the deadline listed above will receive notification of the award within a week of the deadline. 

Counseling Psychology Summer Fellowships
The Counseling Psychology Program has summer funding available for Counseling Graduate Students in the Department of Psychology. The fellowships are awarded to students who are conducting research and are in good standing academically.

If you are interested in being considered for a Counseling Psychology summer fellowship, please contact your advisor by March 1st to express your interest.

Pat Frazier
Area Co-Director
N571 EltH | 625-6863
Rich Lee
Area Co-Director
N556 EltH | 625-6357
Amy Kranz
Area Support Specialist
N555 EltH | 625-3873