A limited amount of general office supplies are kept in the Central Office’s Supply Cabinet. If the needed supplies are not available, they will need to be ordered through U-Market.
Ordering Office or Lab Supplies
U Market has created a very helpful guide to shopping in U Market (controller office). Also, this Quick Start Guide may be beneficial in assisting you through U Market.
- Needed Information for Ordering
- Full EFS Account String
- Full Justification (Who, What, Where, When, Why)
- If for a grant, make sure to include the grant number and why the order benefits the grant.
- See Finance’s Justification Guide for more information on how to write a full justification.
- Shipping Location
- Elliott Hall shipping ID: P109860001
- Approval of the PI (done before ordering)
- Carts should be assigned to the Financial Operations Center FinOps (finopsumarket) office.
Amazon Purchases
- All Amazon purchases must be made through UMarket or the Controller’s Office for research incentive gift cards.
- Out-of-pocket reimbursements and P-card transactions for Amazon will be denied unless you have received an exception from the Controller’s Office.
- Include proof of any exception with your purchase documentation.
Sarah Jahn Finance and Grants Manager S253 EltH | 626-7975 swen0432@umn.edu | Kamran Motevaze Finance Professional S252 EltH | 626-8146 motev001@umn.edu | Angela Park Finance Professional S254 | 624-0574 park2265@umn.edu | Ritu Bollena Student Finance Assistant psyfin@umn.edu |
Anjeanette Roy Grants Coordinator N256 EltH | 626-0871 basti042@umn.edu | Kristen Abernethy Grants Coordinator S250 EltH | 624-4325 kharne@umn.edu | Elliot Skurich Senior Grants Administrator SPA eskurich@umn.edu |