Thesis and Dissertation Manuscripts

After passing the final oral examination, you will use the feedback from your committee to make final revisions to your thesis or dissertation manuscript and complete any remaining formatting requirements.

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Formatting Requirements

Deposit Steps and Forms

To meet the final requirements for the degree, you must deposit your dissertation with ProQuest and fill out and submit the Thesis/Dissertation Approval and Deposit Agreement. You may also opt to delay the release of a thesis or dissertation to the public (sometimes referred to as a “hold” or “embargo”).

These processes, forms, and additional guidance for when delaying release of the thesis or dissertation is appropriate, are maintained by GSSP in its Thesis or Dissertation Submission instructions. Refer to this page to initiate all forms, and direct any questions to

Remember: Your manuscript and all related forms must be submitted and accepted by the last business day of your graduation month. Late submission will delay your graduation until the end of the next month. 

Pat Frazier
Director of Graduate Studies (DGS)
N571 EltH | 625-6863
Laura Luepke
Associate Director of Graduate Studies (ADGS)
S243 EltH | 626-3483
Hope Savaria
Graduate Program Support & Event Specialist (GPSES)
S244 EltH | 625-0377
Heidi Wolff
Curriculum and Graduate Services Specialist (CGSS)
S258 EltH | 624-5002
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