Intent to Submit

Principle Investigators (PI) are required to complete the Department’s Intent to Submit Form for all proposals for external funding. 


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Internal Deadlines for Full Proposals

  • 6 Weeks Prior to the Sponsor Due Date: Complete and send the Intent to Submit Form
  • 15 Working Days Prior to the Sponsor Due Date: Finalize budget and route Proposal Routing Form (PRF)
  • 6 Working Days Prior to the Sponsor Due Date: Finalize all documents in the application
  • 5 Working Days Prior to the Sponsor Due Date: Submit to SPA

After the Intent to Submit form is received, all milestone deadlines for the grant submissions will be added to the PI’s Google Calendar.

Internal Deadlines for Subaward Proposals

The Grants Team can provide assistance for standard subaward proposals with 2 weeks’ notice of the submitting institution’s deadline. At least 4 weeks' notice will be required if the proposal is more complex (e.g., proposals involving multiple UMN departments, proposals part of a multi-project proposal, or second-tier subawards). The Grants Team will work with the PI to determine various other internal deadlines in advance of the sponsor deadline.

Internal Deadlines for Complex Proposals

PIs must complete the Psychology Intent to Submit form at least 12 weeks prior to the sponsor deadline for training, center, and/or multi-project grants. The Grants Team will work with the PI to determine various other internal deadlines in advance of the sponsor deadline.

Principal Investigators (PI) Dropbox

All faculty have a confidential grants folder on the department’s shared drive.
These can be found: S:\Faculty DropBoxes\PI Last Name

Each PI Dropbox will contain:

  • Folder for final proposal documents to upload
  • Folder for final proposal, budget PRF to submit to SPA
  • Folder for working documents, drafts, etc.
  • A checklist containing all deadlines & items needed for the proposal

If you are a researcher, Postdoc, or student PI and do not have a Dropbox folder yet, please request access from Carla Bates.

For help accessing the Psychology Department shared drive.

Sarah Jahn
Finance and Grants Manager
S253 EltH | 626-7975
Kamran Motevaze
Finance Professional
S252 EltH | 626-8146
Angela Park
Finance Professional
S254 | 624-0574
Ritu Bollena
Student Finance Assistant
Anjeanette Roy
Grants Coordinator
N256 EltH | 626-0871
Kristen Abernethy
Grants Coordinator
S250 EltH | 624-4325
Elliot Skurich
Senior Grants Administrator