Class Times & Classrooms

Below you will find information about how class meeting times are determined and how classrooms are managed. 

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Class Meeting Times

The Department of Psychology is required to follow the class scheduling policy for the Twin Cities campus, which specifies when classes may be offered, meeting times, and distribution requirements for meeting times. These policies are in place in order to maximize classroom utilization and student access to courses.

Classroom Management

Classrooms are managed by either the Office of Classroom Management (OCM) (general purpose classrooms) or a department. The signage posted at a classroom and OCM’s Room Search page will indicate who it's managed by and who to contact for help (e.g., custodial/maintenance, furniture, or technology needs). Rooms are assigned to classes prior to the start of a semester and are reflected on the class schedule. 

Classroom Scheduling

The scheduling of classrooms is done by either the Office of Classroom Management (OCM) or departmental staff. Instructors do not have the task of selecting/scheduling the room assigned to their class, but they may make requests. Requests need to be made the year prior, and request fulfillment is not guaranteed. Faculty are asked to make any room requests in their annual faculty teaching plan. Otherwise, instructors may send requests to Heidi Wolff (

Classroom Resources

Office of Classroom Management (OCM)

  • On OCM’s website, you will find a variety of information and resources, including a room search, equipment instructions, accessibility and accommodations information, and the final exam schedule.

Department of Psychology Intranet

  • On the Department’s intranet, you will find a variety of information and resources, including a list of Elliott Hall rooms that may be reserved (Central Services/Room Scheduling). 
Christina Wiencke
Associate Director of Curriculum & Instruction
S257 EltH | 626-1732
Heidi Wolff
Curriculum and Graduate Services Specialist
S258 EltH | 624-5002
Silke Moeller
Academic Technologist
N211 EltH | 625-0644
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