Paper Exams

There are tools and resources available for administering paper exams in your class, including proctoring, scanning, printing, copying, and grading. If you need an EFS number/account string to place an order, please request it from Christina Wiencke (

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During the first week of each fall and spring semester, the Department of Psychology curriculum and instruction staff email PSY instructors a form to request additional/extra in-person exam proctors if needed (proctoring = supervision/administration of an exam). These additional proctors are the teaching assistants (TAs) and section leaders (SLs) assigned to classes other than the instructor’s own. All TAs and SLs are then surveyed for their availability and matched with exam times needing additional proctors. TAs and SLs have the responsibility of proctoring up to two of these exams per semester, in addition to the duties of their TA/SL appointment (which may include exam proctoring for the class they're assigned to). Proctoring duties may vary by instructor.


Exam & scanning services are provided by the University Survey & Assessment Services (formerly Office of Measurement Services). Please visit the USAS website for information about their services. 

Hard Copy Delivery to USAS from Elliott Hall 

  1. Place inside an inter-departmental envelope:
    • Students' answer sheets
    • Answer key and answer documents
    • Exam Report Order Form
      • Order forms can be found in the Elliott Hall mailroom or on the USAS website.
  2. Attach a U Market Services courier slip to the outside of the envelope.
    • Slips can be found in the Elliott Hall mailroom or the Central Office.
  3. Call U Market Services to request a courier (612) 626-0707
  4. Leave the envelope in the Central Office
  5. USAS will email you when your results are ready

Canvas: Import Scores from a USAS Data Sheet


Large Print/Copy Jobs

Instructors are encouraged to use UMN's Printing Services for large print/copy jobs. 

Small Print/Copy Jobs

The Department of Psychology has a copy machine and printers that may be used for small copy/print jobs. Information is located on the Central Office page. Copy machine code 1399-0000 should be used for instructional copying.

Grading Software

Although UMN does not have an enterprise license for software Gradescope, many instructors find it a useful tool for managing and grading written exams and assignments. University Survey & Assessment Services (USAS) will scan written paper exams or homework assignments to PDF for instructors who use Gradescope, or who would like PDF copies of written material for any reason. 

Christina Wiencke
Associate Director of Curriculum & Instruction
S257 EltH | 626-1732
Heidi Wolff
Curriculum and Graduate Services Specialist
S258 EltH | 624-5002
Silke Moeller
Academic Technologist
N211 EltH | 625-0644
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