

1 week 3 days ago
Definition: (noun) A grasping structure on the limb of a crustacean or other arthropods.
Synonyms: chela, nipper, claw.
Usage: The front pair of legs terminate in very strong and heavy pincers.

Integrating AI into your assignments and exploring the pedagogical implications

1 week 4 days ago

Curious about how to apply generative AI (GenAI) in your upcoming courses? Join us for a week-long short course with asynchronous activities and a synchronous session. You will be introduced to the basics of GenAI through readings and presentations delivered asynchronously. Prework includes creating or reimagining an assignment for your Summer or Fall 2024 course and determining under what circumstances GenAI may be used. Building on the decisions you make, you will create a statement that explains your GenAI use policy for the assignment. This work will provide the foundation for small group discussion during the synchronous session. Upon completion of this short course, participants should have the outline of an assignment that uses GenAI and a statement that explains the use of GenAI to share with students. 


1 week 4 days ago
Definition: (noun) A split or opening in an organ or part.
Synonyms: crack, crevice, fissure, cleft.
Usage: The surgeon explained that the stitches he had used to sew the scissure shut would dissolve in a few weeks.

Daily Brain Teaser for May 08, 2024

1 week 4 days ago
Stock Picker

Ok, so here is the deal. One day, you get a call from some random guy who says "Next week, ABC stock is going to move up. I'm not asking you to buy any stock from me, but just take a look." You do so (why not, it can't hurt...) and he was correct. Sure enough, next week you get another call from the "Lucky Guesser". His pick? "DEF is going to go down." And guess what! He was right again!

For five weeks, this guy predicts the behavior of stocks. The sixth time he calls, he says, "I've been right the past five times. This time I have a stock for you and I do want you to buy some shares through me. What do you say?"

Well, what do you say? Do you buy shares from this guy?

Check for the answer.

Psych Scoop, 5/7/24

1 week 5 days ago
Are you interested in picking up another psychology course for the fall 2024 term? Take a look at courses of interest in this week's issue of Psych Scoop!


1 week 5 days ago
Definition: (adjective) Marked by quiet and caution and secrecy; taking pains to avoid being observed.
Synonyms: furtive, stealthy, sneaky.
Usage: She stole a surreptitious glance at him, but he, too, seemed to have been caught up by Rose's gay, good humor.

Daily Brain Teaser for May 07, 2024

1 week 5 days ago
The Game 2

Mike and James are arguing over who gets the last cookie in the jar, so their dad decides to create a game to settle their dispute. First, Mike flips a coin twice, and each time James calls heads or tails in the air. If James gets both calls right, he gets the last cookie. If not, Mike picks a number between one and six and then rolls a die. If he gets the number right, he gets the last cookie. If not, James picks two numbers between one and five, then spins a spinner with numbers one through five on it. If the spinner lands on one of James' two numbers, he gets the last cookie. If not, Mike does.

Who is more likely to win the last cookie, Mike or James? And what is the probability that person wins it?

Check for the answer.

Elaea Purmalietis Reflects on Her Experience As a Person Hard of Hearing

1 week 6 days ago

In a recent Minnesota Daily article titled “Hard-of-hearing students, staff reflect on daily life with hearing loss,” university community members share their challenges with hearing impairments. Elaea Purmalietis reflects on her own journey and discusses her unique type of hearing loss, which limits the benefits of hearing loss from traditional hearing aids due to the limitations of devices capable of resolving low-frequency hearing loss that are intended to amplify high frequencies.

Purmalietis highlights the nature of her condition, noting that the absence of a visible hearing aid often leads others to overlook her struggles. She emphasizes that ignoring others who try to initiate a conversation is not intentional rudeness but rather a consequence of her difficulty in hearing things around her in the environment. Individuals may not know they should get her attention by tapping her or making sure Purmalietis can see them before they start talking.

Nevertheless, Purmalietis remains resilient, stating, "I refuse to let it define me negatively or isolate me. Instead, I proactively inform people about my hearing impairment." She highlights the importance of seeking support from resources like the Disability Resource Center (DRC), which facilitates appropriate accommodations to enhance accessibility in academic settings.

Elaea Purmalietis is a post-bacc researcher in the Auditory Perception and Cognition Lab (APC Lab). In Fall 2024 she will start her graduate studies in Psychology, advised by Andrew Oxenham.



1 week 6 days ago
Definition: (noun) A metal ring or cap placed around a pole or shaft for reinforcement or to prevent splitting.
Synonyms: collet.
Usage: The walking stick was quite old, and the large brass ferrule at its tip was worn down and dented.

Daily Brain Teaser for May 06, 2024

1 week 6 days ago
Mansion Murder

The owner of a mansion was tragically murdered last night. The murderer was one of the three visitors to the mansion: Ian, Jeff, and Kevin. Here are some facts:

1. The murderer arrived later than at least one of the other two visitors.

2. One of the three visitors was the town's mayor. He arrived earlier than at least one of the other two visitors.

3. The mayor arrived at midnight.

4. Neither Ian nor Jeff arrived after midnight.

5. The earlier arriver of Jeff and Kevin is not the mayor.

6. The later arriver of Ian and Kevin is not the murderer.

Who is the murderer?

Check for the answer.


2 weeks ago
Definition: (noun) A structure in the form of a network, especially of nerves, blood vessels, or lymphatics.
Synonyms: rete.
Usage: The bullet missed his cardiac plexus by an inch, leaving all the nerves intact.


2 weeks 1 day ago
Definition: (adjective) Marked by low spirits; showing no enthusiasm.
Synonyms: dispirited.
Usage: A subtle change had transformed her from the listless woman he had known into a being who, for the moment, seemed palpitant with the forces of life.

Daily Brain Teaser for May 04, 2024

2 weeks 1 day ago
Delete Some Letters #2

In this teaser your task is to discover words, names and phrases relating to the holiday season.

You are to delete a few letters in each unrelated phrase in order to show the holiday. The remaining letters will be in the right order.

For example:


becomes: **CH *RIST MAS***

1. FROGS TRY THEM SO NO WORM CAN (delete 7 letters)

2. CLINT TILED RED HUMMER BODY (delete 7 letters)

3. SPRINT FACE OFF PREFACE (delete 7 letters)

4. THE CREEP WISHES A MENU (delete 7 letters)

Check for the answer.