Word of the Day


1 day 19 hours ago
Definition: (adjective) Being independent in thought and action or exhibiting such independence.
Synonyms: unorthodox, irregular.
Usage: He was a maverick politician and refused to align himself with any of the established parties.


3 days 19 hours ago
Definition: (noun) A nest of ants.
Synonyms: anthill.
Usage: Hours after accidentally stepping on a formicary, she was still picking stray ants off of her jeans.


5 days 19 hours ago
Definition: (adjective) Of or relating to winter.
Synonyms: brumal, hiemal.
Usage: Our teacher described the first activities of bears as they emerge from hibernal sleep.


6 days 19 hours ago
Definition: (noun) A small hammer with a rubber head used in percussive examinations of the chest and in testing reflexes.
Synonyms: percussor, plessor.
Usage: When the doctor tapped my knee with the plexor, my reflex was so strong that I almost kicked him in the head!


1 week 1 day ago
Definition: (noun) Land with a soft muddy surface.
Synonyms: mire, morass, quag, slack.
Usage: We had some difficulty in reaching the point, owing to the intolerably bad paths; for everywhere in the shade the ground soon becomes a perfect quagmire.


1 week 3 days ago
Definition: (noun) A grasping structure on the limb of a crustacean or other arthropods.
Synonyms: chela, nipper, claw.
Usage: The front pair of legs terminate in very strong and heavy pincers.


1 week 4 days ago
Definition: (noun) A split or opening in an organ or part.
Synonyms: crack, crevice, fissure, cleft.
Usage: The surgeon explained that the stitches he had used to sew the scissure shut would dissolve in a few weeks.


1 week 5 days ago
Definition: (adjective) Marked by quiet and caution and secrecy; taking pains to avoid being observed.
Synonyms: furtive, stealthy, sneaky.
Usage: She stole a surreptitious glance at him, but he, too, seemed to have been caught up by Rose's gay, good humor.


1 week 6 days ago
Definition: (noun) A metal ring or cap placed around a pole or shaft for reinforcement or to prevent splitting.
Synonyms: collet.
Usage: The walking stick was quite old, and the large brass ferrule at its tip was worn down and dented.


2 weeks ago
Definition: (noun) A structure in the form of a network, especially of nerves, blood vessels, or lymphatics.
Synonyms: rete.
Usage: The bullet missed his cardiac plexus by an inch, leaving all the nerves intact.


2 weeks 1 day ago
Definition: (adjective) Marked by low spirits; showing no enthusiasm.
Synonyms: dispirited.
Usage: A subtle change had transformed her from the listless woman he had known into a being who, for the moment, seemed palpitant with the forces of life.


2 weeks 2 days ago
Definition: (noun) A monster able to change appearance from human to wolf.
Synonyms: werewolf, wolfman, loup-garou.
Usage: She thought the novel about the lycanthrope would be silly, but the sad tale about the werewolf's struggles to regain control of his life moved her to tears.


2 weeks 3 days ago
Definition: (noun) Outer tissue of bark; a protective layer of dead cells.
Synonyms: cork.
Usage: Joe carefully harvested the phellem from the tree, excited at the prospect of using the buoyant material to make his very own toy boat.


2 weeks 4 days ago
Definition: (noun) A symptom consisting of the involuntary expulsion of air from the nose.
Synonyms: sneeze, sneezing.
Usage: John complained that every time he came to visit, my dusty carpet would send him into fits of sternutation.


2 weeks 5 days ago
Definition: (noun) Equipment, such as clothing, tools, or instruments, used for a specific purpose or task.
Synonyms: paraphernalia, gear.
Usage: He had half expected that she would drive up to the side door in a hansom, would wear a thick veil, and adopt the other appurtenances of a clandestine meeting.
1 hour 29 minutes ago
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