
Designing and Delivering Online Learning Program

4 months 2 weeks hence

Designing and Delivering Online Learning will help you explore and make plans to implement effective pedagogical practices in your online courses. This four module seminar is open to faculty and instructors systemwide and will be delivered completely online, making use of Canvas activities and incorporating Zoom. The four Zoom meetings will be held on Thursdays from 3:30-4:30 pm between September 23 and October 24, 2024. You can expect to spend between 10 and 15 hours on seminar activities during the entirety of the program.

Grading Strategies for TAs: Exams and Problem Sets

4 months hence

Grading exams and problem sets can quickly consume your life, but it doesn't have to! In this hands-on webinar for teaching assistants, participants will learn how to effectively use rubrics and answer keys to save time and be more consistent in their grading.

Using Learning Analytics at the Start of the Semester

3 months 2 weeks hence

It's the start of the semester: Are your students ready to learn? The first four weeks are linked to student success in your class, as well as to student retention and graduation. Our focus in this workshop is on connecting learning analytics to classroom practice. Use learning analytics to create a strong learning path for your students at the beginning of the semester!

Registration for Use learning analytics: Create a strong learning path for your students is required.

New TA Orientation

3 months 2 weeks hence

This event is part of the Teaching of Enrichment Series.

In this interactive online session, new teaching assistants will be introduced to university resources for teaching, and will reflect on and discuss teaching strategies, roles, and responsibilities. Participants will be introduced to key policies around FERPA*, working with students with disabilities, and responsibilities in reporting Title IX violations, among others. All participants will learn from each other by talking through responses to potential challenging moments in the classroom.

Note: For comprehensive FERPA training contact Academic Support Resources.

Use FeedbackFruits Tools for Peer Learning: Basics

3 months 1 week hence

We will cover FeedbackFruits tools functionality, how to create a FeedbackFruits assignment in Canvas, and experience the tool from the student and instructor perspectives.

This session is designed to assist instructors in creating a learning environment that facilitates a learner-centered approach using appropriate resources and technologies based on the University of Minnesota Guidelines for Online Teaching and Design.

Registration is required to attend this course. 

  • Identify the functionality of the tool and how it supports collaborative learning.
  • Use the tools from a student perspective.
  • Learn how to create a FeedbackFruits assignment in Canvas.
  • Prepare students to successfully use FeedbackFruits.

Teaching Practices that Support Student Mental Health and Well-Being

3 months 1 week hence

Students and instructors feel more stress now than ever before. Join us to explore concrete, empirically-based strategies that support student mental health and well-being. We will discuss how you can reduce stress in your educational setting, including areas of course climate and belonging, pedagogical strategies, managing cognitive load, and planning your course policies in the future.

Canvas Clinic : Fall 2024

3 months 1 week hence

Get personalized help setting up your Canvas courses for the semester from the comfort of your own home! The Canvas Clinic is an opportunity for faculty and instructors to get hands-on support and consultation as they work on Canvas course sites. Staff from Information Technology (IT), Library Services, and academic technologists from system campuses will be on hand to help with start-of-semester tasks and course planning assistance. Topics include setting up course sites, creating activities and assessments, and integrating media or other course resources into Canvas.

We highly encourage you to sign up for a 30-minute time slot during this clinic time to reserve your spot. 

Explore Teaching Uses of Zoom Whiteboard (copy)

3 months hence

Do you teach classes over Zoom? Join us to explore one of the new tools released by Zoom, the Zoom Whiteboard. Zoom Whiteboards give users the ability to create, manage, and share collaborative whiteboards for classes, teams, or for group projects. Engage with Whiteboards through your course sites, through your desktop client, or through the web portal. This session will focus on practical ways to use this tool to enhance your teaching.

Registration for Explore Teaching Uses with Zoom Whiteboards is required. 

Canvas Essentials (Asynchronous Micro Course)

2 months 3 weeks hence

This Canvas Essentials micro course reviews the Canvas interface, tools, features, and general course design decisions needed to prepare your course site for the semester. This micro course is delivered asynchronously in Canvas. All content is available beginning August 5 for you to walk through materials at your own pace with facilitation by academic technologist professionals. The activities will guide you through design decisions and action items to prepare a Canvas course site for the semester.

Canvas Essentials (Asynchronous Micro Course) (copy)

2 months 3 weeks hence

This Canvas Essentials micro course reviews the Canvas interface, tools, features, and general course design decisions needed to prepare your course site for the semester. This micro course is delivered asynchronously in Canvas. All content is available beginning August 5 for you to walk through materials at your own pace with facilitation by academic technologist professionals. The activities will guide you through design decisions and action items to prepare a Canvas course site for the semester.

Integrating AI into your assignments and exploring the pedagogical implications

31 minutes 6 seconds ago

Curious about how to apply generative AI (GenAI) in your upcoming courses? Join us for a week-long short course with asynchronous activities and a synchronous session. You will be introduced to the basics of GenAI through readings and presentations delivered asynchronously. Prework includes creating or reimagining an assignment for your Summer or Fall 2024 course and determining under what circumstances GenAI may be used. Building on the decisions you make, you will create a statement that explains your GenAI use policy for the assignment. This work will provide the foundation for small group discussion during the synchronous session. Upon completion of this short course, participants should have the outline of an assignment that uses GenAI and a statement that explains the use of GenAI to share with students. 


12 hours 31 minutes ago
Definition: (noun) A split or opening in an organ or part.
Synonyms: crack, crevice, fissure, cleft.
Usage: The surgeon explained that the stitches he had used to sew the scissure shut would dissolve in a few weeks.

Today's Daily Brain Teaser (May 08, 2024)

17 hours 31 minutes ago
Stock Picker

Ok, so here is the deal. One day, you get a call from some random guy who says "Next week, ABC stock is going to move up. I'm not asking you to buy any stock from me, but just take a look." You do so (why not, it can't hurt...) and he was correct. Sure enough, next week you get another call from the "Lucky Guesser". His pick? "DEF is going to go down." And guess what! He was right again!

For five weeks, this guy predicts the behavior of stocks. The sixth time he calls, he says, "I've been right the past five times. This time I have a stock for you and I do want you to buy some shares through me. What do you say?"

Well, what do you say? Do you buy shares from this guy?

Check for the answer.


1 day 12 hours ago
Definition: (adjective) Marked by quiet and caution and secrecy; taking pains to avoid being observed.
Synonyms: furtive, stealthy, sneaky.
Usage: She stole a surreptitious glance at him, but he, too, seemed to have been caught up by Rose's gay, good humor.

Daily Brain Teaser for May 07, 2024

1 day 17 hours ago
The Game 2

Mike and James are arguing over who gets the last cookie in the jar, so their dad decides to create a game to settle their dispute. First, Mike flips a coin twice, and each time James calls heads or tails in the air. If James gets both calls right, he gets the last cookie. If not, Mike picks a number between one and six and then rolls a die. If he gets the number right, he gets the last cookie. If not, James picks two numbers between one and five, then spins a spinner with numbers one through five on it. If the spinner lands on one of James' two numbers, he gets the last cookie. If not, Mike does.

Who is more likely to win the last cookie, Mike or James? And what is the probability that person wins it?

Check for the answer.